About Us

Student smiling


Our mission is to empower families and build vibrant communities through innovative educational opportunities that inspire personal responsibility, foster growth, and provide enriching experiences.

Picture of a quote by Jodie, "School has never been so exciting"

Our Vision
Establish CHE as the premier provider of innovative enrichment programs, creating communities and empowering families through transformative educational experiences.

Student's studying at table

OUR AUTHORIZATION is through partnership with Education reEnvisioned BOCES and operated by Colorado Homeschool Enrichment - a Colorado Non-Profit organization based in New Castle and Colorado Springs, CO.  Because our services are publicly funded, students who attend CHE may NOT be enrolled in another public education program in Colorado (including traditional K-12 school, charter school, or other State-run program). Students enrolled in other public school programs (such as online home-based public programs) may pay tuition to participate in some CHE classes or Micro-Campuses, however. Our main campus is in New-Castle Colorado, all of our Micro-Campuses and Brach-Campuses choose from our approved courses in our authorized course catalog.

Our Values


We appreciate the integral involvement of family life to quality student achievement. The power and effectiveness of learning flows from a loving foundation within a family unit, and family-based education bolsters strength, resilience, and robust character.


Through dynamic enrichment offerings, we believe every student can develop the unique talents that will propel lifetime achievement and happiness. We are not a comprehensive school or curriculum, nor do we issue grades or transcripts.


We support our families through resources, guidance, and networking. Homeschoolers thrive when they collaborate with high-quality, vetted mentors, teachers, and programs that uplift and inspire them to improve and grow. 


We offer students a unique opportunity, along with a responsibility, to engage in healthy friendships within peer and mixed-age groups in their communities. CHE links homeschoolers to the richness of their local communities, benefitting both.


We support our families through guidance, networking, and fellowship. Students and families engaged within enrichment Micro-Campuses build better homeschool educators and nourish integrity and dignity. Homeschoolers thrive when they collaborate with high-quality, vetted teachers, mentors and programs that uplift and inspire them to improve and grow.

What we offer
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CHE provides access
to enrichment classes
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CHE provides access
to adventure classes
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CHE provides access to private
tutors, educational trips and materials
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Regular training, community,
building, and support for Micro-Campuses
What we don't offer
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Credits or diplomas
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Core curriculum

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Academic testing

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Funding for religious or
non-educational purposes