Adventure Leadership

CHE: Elementary Adventure Leadership


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Course Description:

This course will provide the students with foundations for outdoor recreation and nature exploration. This includes teaching and training for camping, climbing, outdoor safety and leadership. We will expand students’ skills through different activities and challenges, and explore new aspects of creation through discovery. Most importantly, Elementary Adventure students will be given the opportunity to learn and show leadership and teamwork while discovering new recreational activities.

Course Objectives:

In this class, students will practice:

  • Navigation
  • Climbing/Camping Skills
  • Hiking Experience
  • Knot Tying
  • Outdoor Safety
  • Basics of Wilderness First Aid
  • Teamwork
  • Servant Leadership
  • Critical Thinking
  • Patience and Stress Management
  • Wisdom and Decision Making
  • Communication Skills
  • Wilderness Exploration


With successful completion of this course, students will gain an Elementary Adventure certification.   

Scope and Sequence: 

This course is designed to stir students' passion for outdoor leadership, give them valuable outdoor skills, and put them in situations where humility, teamwork, and perseverance will be expected of them. As an Elementary Adventure program, this course is ideal for students looking to start their journey of discovery with outdoor recreation and provide a foundation for the CHE: Junior High Adventure Leadership Class.

Course Materials and Resources:

In class daily:

  • Water Bottle
  • Appropriate active wear - for the current weather conditions


Occasionally, various technical gear will be required throughout the course. All technical gear will be provided for in-class activities and outdoor activities.  A thorough gear list will be provided prior to an upcoming trip.


CHE Elementary Schedule

CHE Elementary - Fall 2025 Schedule

# Class Type Date Range Topic Hours
1Day Camp8/26 - 8/29Day Camp25
2Class9/1 - 9/6Introduction to Adventure, outdoor preparedness3
3Class9/8 - 9/13Compass and Maps3
4Simulation9/8 - 9/13Camping Simulation5
5Class9/15 - 9/20Tent Setup3
6Class9/22 - 9/27First Aid3
7Class9/29 - 10/4Animals and Plants in Nature3
8Day Trip9/29 - 10/4Hike5
9Class10/6 - 10/11Intro to Climbing3
10Class10/13 - 10/18Climbing Language and Rocks3
11Class10/20 - 10/25Belaying3
12Class10/27 - 11/1Bouldering3
13Day Trip10/27 - 11/1Climbing Day Trip5
14Class11/3 - 11/8Canyoneering Intro3
15Class11/10 - 11/15Rapelling Intro3
16Class11/17 - 11/22Rapelling Practice3
17Class12/1 - 12/5Guided Rappel3
18Adventure Race12/1 - 12/5Adventure Race5
19Class12/8 - 12/12End of Year Review3
20Party12/15 - 12/20Party3
Total Hours90

CHE Elementary - Spring 2026 Schedule

# Class Type Date Topic Hours
1Day Trip1/19 - 1/24Climbing5
2Class1/26 - 1/31Review first semester and Maps and orienteering3
3Class2/2 - 2/7First Aid and rescue3
4Day Trip2/2 - 2/7SkyZone Day Trip5
5Class2/9 - 2/14Creation formation - mountains, canyons, caves3
6Class2/16 - 2/21Weather and clouds3
7Class2/23 - 2/28Caves, crystals, and spelunking3
8Class3/2 - 3/7Rapelling and knot Practice3
9Day Trip3/2 - 3/7Cave of the Winds Day Trip5
10Class3/9 - 3/14Ecosystems and food chains3
11Class3/16 - 3/21Animals of the rockies3
12Class3/30 - 4/4Birds of the air (make a bird feeder)3
13Class4/6 - 4/11Rappelling and knot Practice3
14Day Trip4/6 - 4/11Zoo Day Trip5
15Class4/13 - 4/18Building fires and fire safety3
16Class4/20 - 4/25Hiking and plant identification3
17Class4/27 - 5/2Shelter building and design3
18Class5/4 - 5/9Nature Art and observation3
19Party5/12 - 5/14Review/Party3
20Day Camp5/18 - 5/22Day Camp25
Total Hours90

Grading Policies:

As a homeschool enrichment class, we do not issue grades or credits.  However, this class is designed to help gain certifications in outdoor recreation and works towards official Venture Off certifications, which require successful completion of material to gain certification. 


Families are being offered access to this class at no cost because this class is a Colorado Homeschool Enrichment (CHE) program. CHE is a publicly funded program to benefit homeschooled and private schooled students with programs to enrich their standard course load.  All students must enroll with CHE starting in the spring to be prepared to start class in the fall. Eligible students must NOT be enrolled in any other publicly funded program at the time of enrollment.  

Enroll In This Class